01-05 Review of A Tale for the Time Being


12-24 Impact of AI on Work
01-26 Treating Data with Caution
01-03 My Favorite Books (Part 2)


12-28 Organizing Your Notes on Obsidian
12-15 Collaborations Between Academia and Industry
03-04 “Debugging” Your Analysis as a Data Scientist


12-03 Career Paths for PhD Students in Biostatistics
10-01 Misconceptions About Getting a PhD (in biostatistics)
06-11 Some Thoughts on Reading Advice Online
04-02 Plotting Your Fitbit Data in R
03-12 My Thesis Defense
02-19 Animating the Jolla Theme From the Postcards R Package
02-05 A Day in the Life of a (Biostatistics) PhD Student
01-21 How Good is FiveThirtyEight's NBA Prediction Model?
01-17 Tips for a First-Time Teaching Assistant
01-06 Reordering geom_bar and geom_col by Count or Value
01-03 Analyzing Metadata from Spotify Playlists


05-31 Applying to Internships as a PhD Student
03-09 Data Leakage Examples in Machine Learning


11-28 Introduction to SQL (for an R user)
11-20 Probability of Winning an NBA Game: A Minute-by-Minute Breakdown
10-30 Advice for Prospective PhD Students (in biostatistics)
08-28 What is the Effect of Increasing Voter Turnout in the U.S.?
05-17 Learning to Use Vim
02-02 My Preliminary Oral Exam
01-08 Introduction to Regular Expressions (regex) in R


12-14 Creating Your First R Package
10-22 Getting Started with R Markdown
08-04 My First JSM
06-28 5 R Packages to Simplify Your Data Science Workflow
05-21 10 Tips and Tricks for Statistical Proofs
04-25 Should You Get a PhD (in biostatistics)?
03-29 My Favorite Books to Date
03-24 Point Shape Options in ggplot
03-18 Submitting Parallel Jobs on a Cluster
03-06 Setting Up My Blog: Why I Chose Hugo Over Jekyll