Collaborations Between Academia and Industry

Since graduating from my PhD program in 2022, I’ve been working in the tech industry as a data scientist. This transition has given me more perspective on how the research community is spread across academia and industry. One interesting thing I’ve learned is that the boundaries are blurrier than I had previously thought. It’s true that when I was a PhD student in the biostatistics department at JHU, I was already aware that there were professors who had collaborations outside academia.

“Debugging” Your Analysis as a Data Scientist

Recently, I’ve been working on revisions for a paper1 from my PhD and it reminded me of a valuable lesson I learned while working on some tricky statistical analysis for that project. The idea is what I think of as “debugging” your analysis.2 Debugging in a programming context refers to the process of identifying and fixing bugs (errors in your code). But a similar concept of “debugging” also applies to data science.

Career Paths for PhD Students in Biostatistics

As a biostatistics PhD alumnus who just graduated earlier this year, I thought I would share some of the things I learned regarding potential career paths. If you are a current PhD student, I would encourage you to seriously think about your future career plans in your third or fourth year, with some level of detail beyond “I want to stay in academia” or “I want to go into industry.

Misconceptions About Getting a PhD (in biostatistics)

This post is sort of a reflection on my PhD experience, condensed as responses to some major misconceptions I had about a PhD (or misconceptions I’ve heard other people express). I hope you find it to be a useful, or at least interesting, read. Misconception #1: If you enjoy your field and want to study it at a deeper level, you should get a PhD. It’s not exactly that this isn’t true, but I think it’s not an accurate representation of the purpose of your PhD program.

Some Thoughts on Reading Advice Online

As I’ve been brainstorming more “advice” posts for this blog, I thought it might be useful for me to write down some thoughts I have about how to read advice. I try to acknowledge on this blog that my perspective is only a subjective, individual one based on my experiences, but I thought I would elaborate a bit more on why that’s important for you to remember as the reader.